Dr. Maria Cosentino


While most people are diligent about brushing their teeth twice a day, the same can’t be said about our tongues. Brushing your tongue should be a non-negotiable part of your daily oral care routine for various reasons, which will be revealed in this blog post.

What Happens When You Don’t Brush Your Tongue?

Imagine your tongue as a lush, fertile landscape. Now imagine countless tiny microorganisms making that landscape their home. That’s what happens when you fail to brush your tongue regularly. Its warm, moist environment, coupled with thousands of small papillae that serve as perfect hideouts, make the tongue an ideal haven for bacteria. This bacterial buildup often mixes with leftover food particles, resulting in a visible and often unpleasantly coloured coating on your tongue. If you’ve ever woken up to find a white or yellow film on your tongue, you’ve seen this bacteria-food combination firsthand. So next time you think about skipping brushing your tongue, remember the unwanted party happening in your mouth.

Are There Health Consequences to Not Brushing Your Tongue?

Absolutely, there are health repercussions to ignoring your tongue during your oral hygiene routine. The surplus of bacteria that takes up residence on an unbrushed tongue doesn’t just impact your breath – it has far-reaching effects. It can lead to halitosis, an ongoing battle with bad breath that could have you avoiding close encounters. If allowed to escalate, these microscopic intruders can migrate to your teeth and gums, setting the stage for periodontal disease. The story doesn’t end there, in some extreme scenarios, continuous negligence of your tongue can even pave the way for tooth loss. Moreover, various studies are hinting towards a correlation between these oral bacteria and serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and even pneumonia. Hence, skipping that tongue brushing could have more serious implications than you might have imagined.

How to Brush Your Tongue: A Step-by-Step Guide

Feeling daunted by the thought of cleaning your tongue? Fear not! It’s a simple and painless process. Picture yourself in front of the mirror, mouth wide open with your tongue sticking out to its maximum stretch. Now, grab your tongue scraper or toothbrush and begin gently yet firmly brushing from the very back of your tongue, working your way forward. As you go, make sure you’re reaching all corners and surfaces. After each sweep, spit out any buildup that has been dislodged and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Keep this motion up until you see no more of that telltale white or yellow film. And voila! Your tongue is clean and free of unwanted bacteria. A cleaner mouth is just a few swipes away. Remember, cleanliness is not just about the teeth; your tongue is equally deserving of your attention.

Selecting the Right Tools for Tongue Brushing

Just as you’d pick out the perfect toothbrush, finding the right tool for tongue cleaning can significantly enhance your oral hygiene routine. You can use your regular toothbrush for this, but for an optimal clean, a tongue scraper might be your best bet. These clever contraptions are specifically engineered to strip away bacterial buildup more effectively. They’re available in a variety of materials, including plastic and stainless steel. When choosing your tongue scraper, keep comfort and usability in mind. Alternatively, you may want to consider a tongue brush. These handy tools have specialized bristles crafted to delve into every nook and cranny of your tongue, ensuring a thorough clean. Remember, the best tool is the one you’ll use regularly and comfortably, transforming tongue cleaning from an occasional chore into an indispensable part of your daily oral hygiene routine.

Tongue Brushing: Frequently Asked Questions

“Brush before or after brushing teeth?” is a question that frequently pops up. While there’s no universally correct answer, some dental professionals suggest giving your tongue the first brush to ensure it’s not forgotten. What about over brushing? Is that a thing? Indeed, it is! Overzealous or aggressive brushing can result in glossitis, a condition characterized by a sore and inflamed tongue. Just like with the rest of your oral routine, the key is to maintain balance – gentle yet thorough. The more consistently you practice this, the less likely you are to have any issues. As you navigate your oral health journey, remember to listen to your body. It’s the best guide you have!

Tongue Brushing: Making it a Habit

Folding tongue brushing into your daily routine might seem like a daunting task; but don’t worry, it’s easier than you think.

Let’s break it down: You brush your teeth at least twice a day, right? Simply incorporate tongue cleaning into this process. As you reach for your toothbrush, also grab your tongue scraper or tongue brush. Conduct your oral hygiene routine as normal but with an extra step – tongue brushing. This addition won’t add much time to your routine, but the benefits are vast. From fresher breath to a reduced risk of oral diseases, the effects of this small change will become apparent quickly. Practice makes perfect, and before you know it, tongue brushing will be an automatic part of your daily ritual. It’s a small investment of time for a significant return: a healthier, fresher, and cleaner mouth. Embrace tongue brushing and open the door to improved oral health.

Contact Cosentino Dental Care today at 416-234-2333 to schedule your next checkup and cleaning. Be sure to mention any concerns you may have so that we can properly address them with you. 

woman brushing her tongue